Rhubarb on the loom

Since I am combining cotton and wool yarns in the warp I am paying particular attention to winding the warp on the sectioned back beam.

Rhubarb warp

The rhubarb warp on the warping board; chained and sitting on the loom bench waiting to be threaded in Rosepath, and wound onto the back beam of my Gilmore loom.


Here is the entire lot of Deren Bader’s mountain merino yardage. Dyed with rhubarb extract, and wound from her skeins of both 2 ply worsted and 3 ply dk combed.  I am combining these with some yellow wool from my stash and Maysville 8/4 rug cotton to wind a warp of 11 yards in length.  280…

Rosepath rhubarb blanket

The Rhubarb Blanket is underway.  The stripes are working well with the rosepath weave. I plan to weave all of the warp first, then separate into three equal pieces, and join together for a blanket about 75 inches by 110 inches. The cones of cotton on the floor in the background are 11/2 Fox Fiber…